Read What Leading Newspapers And Publications From All Around The World Say About Montessori
Forbes Magazine: Is Montessori the Origin of Google & Amazon? Read the blog >
The Globe: "Like children, professionals need to be able to guide their own learning and development based on their innate and instinctual needs..."Read the article > Huffington Post: Montessori: The Missing Voice in the Education Reform Debate Read the post > Investor's Business Daily: "Maria Montessori Stands At The Head Of The Class" by Nancy Gondo Read the article > New York Times: Paul Tough asks "What if the Secret to Success Is Failure?" Read the article > The Boston Globe: “If Montessori was a stock, you would buy it…”Read the article > The Wall Street Journal's: Jonah Lehrer writes about executive functions. "In an age of information overload, simply paying attention is the hardest thing."Read the article > Harvard Business Review: "Montessori builds innovators," says Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at the Center for Digital Business in the MIT Sloan School of Management. Read the blog > The New York Times: "How to Shape the DNA of a Young Company" Jeremy Allaire, CEO of Brightcove (an online video platform for websites) credits his Montessori education as a major influence in his career and management style.. Read the report > "Building Better Brains: the Neurological Case for Montessori Education" by Steve Hughes Watch the presentation > The Montessori MadMen are a ragtag group of Montessori dads from around the country and a variety of backgrounds, united by a common zeal to bring the Montessori method to millions more American children.Visit the site > Research shows mobile technology is really changing children's brains. An expert explains how we use that for good. Read the article > Business writer Steve Denning shares "The Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education."Read the article > "My three children attend a Montessori school." So begins the five minute animated video by Trevor Eisler, a study in contrasts between Montessori classrooms and conventional education. Watch the video > "Superwoman was already here," writes Montessori parent Daniel Petter-Lipstein. "And she gave us a superb educational model to end the Race to Nowhere."Read the blog > Watch the video > Steve Denning writes a "Wake up call for the Gates Foundation: Think Bigger" when it comes to education reform. "Schools practicing this new culture of learning don't have to be invented." They already exist. Read the blog > The Peter Hesse Foundation opens the Centre Montessori d’Haiti to help improve the quality of early childhood education in one of the world’s poorest countries. Read the article > |
The Wall Street Journal: Montessori Mafia: Is this self-directed learning method a surefire way to join the creative elite? Check out this post from The Wall Street Journal .Read the report >
Wired magazine: "Larry Page Wants to Return Google to Its Startup Roots" article from Wired magazine: Montessori education encourages children to pursue their interests. Former Montessori children Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the founders of Google. Read the report > London Times: "Don't stop classroom chatter; it's good for learning," reports The Times of London in an article comparing Montessori and traditional classroom practices. Read the report > Harvard Business Review: discussed innovative entrepreneurs vs. average executives. Towards the end, it mentions a connection between several successful innovators and Montessori education! Here is the link to the full article (look at the last paragraph).Read the report > New York Times: Amazon founder and Montessori alumni Jeffrey P. Bezos to personally purchase The Washington Post Read the article > "Montessori has it right," says University of Houston's John Lienhard in two talks about educational reform and the perils of standardized testing. Read Episode #1310 > Knighted for his work on innovation and the economy, Sir Ken Robinson talks about how today's schools are "educating people out of their creativity."Watch the presentation > The TED Conference hears from Google's founders about how Montessori helped create their mammoth success. Watch the presentation > SimCity creator Will Wright often credits his Montessori roots for the entrepreneurism and creativity that characterize his work today. Listen in as he talks about school, Darwinian theory, and "imagination amplifiers."Watch the TED Conference presentation > Read an excerpt from his New Yorker magazine profile > In The Engines of Our Ingenuity, University of Houston's John Lienhard paints a concise portrait of Maria Montessori.Read Episode #626 > In a speech on education reform, John Lienhard takes an intellectual romp: Gothic cathedrals, pointillism, seven blind men and an elephant—all roads that lead him to Montessori. Read the speech > How is Montessori different from traditional schools, and why does it matter? Angeline Lillard has written extensively on the subject, and is reviewed by Time, Scientific American, WebMD, The Washington Post, The Times of London, Fox News, and others.For links to articles, press, book reviews & podcasts > Tough Choices or Tough Times: an influential policy report looks at why traditional education is failing U.S. graduates. Read the report > Montessori students outperform others on both social and academic measures, according to a Science journal report.Read the report (requires login) > Time magazine: reports on the "big public conversation our nation is not having about education."Read the report (requires login) > |